Coping with Anxiety


During the self isolation period, skincare and aromatherapy play an extreme key role in our self care routine and it's a great way to help us to reconnect to our heart.
 A lot of my clients keep asking me for tips and advice on skincare and how to use essential oils to cope with anxiety, so I thought I'd share some tips and put them into an express quarantine spa at home guide! 


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Currently, a lot of people are experiencing depression and anxiety.  I want to share a few tips that may help cope with the current circumstances -
1) Be Present - Try not to think about the past or the future. Focus on this moment.  Think about what you have (instead of what you don't have) and be thankful.  Actually, having an extended vacation and be still is not such a bad thing. :)

Research by Psychologist Robert Emmons ph.D., who is also the author of "Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier", shows that simply keeping a gratitude journal - regularly writing brief reflections on moments for which we’re thankful - can significantly increase well-being and life satisfaction.

2) Do not Set any Expectations - Setting fixed expectation can lead to disappointment or even anxiety. Under this fluid situation, things can be changed very quickly.  We can only take it day by day.  And you know what? 80-90 percent of what you fear will happen never really come into reality.  Why not try to focus on NOW?

3) Take a Deep Breath - According to a special health report by Harvard Medical School, taking deep breaths instead of shallow breathing, is one of the simple techniques to cope with stress.  

Tips - Incorporate essential oil in your daily breathing exercises. You can do it as many times as you want. :)Inhale —> hold your breath and count to 8 —> release and exhale. Repeat this 5-10 timesCheck in and see if you feel better afterward…

Tips - Incorporate essential oil in your daily breathing exercises. You can do it as many times as you want. :)

Inhale —> hold your breath and count to 8 —> release and exhale. Repeat this 5-10 times

Check in and see if you feel better afterwards. I bet it helps a lot

Essential oils can help us to reconnect with our center, to feel more balanced and empowered. Certain aromas can bring feelings of calm, as if they are speaking directly to your heart. A lot of research studies showed that essential oils rich in linalool & linalyl acetate (both are chemical components found in essential oil) help calm our nervous system and help people feel relaxed. Some essential oils are great to relieve tension and anxiety.  Here are some suggested ones: Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, Bergamot, Frankincense, citrus oils like Mandarin and Orange are fantastic!

Check out the recent interview I had with John Casablanca Institute, a leading esthetics school in Vancouver, in which we discuss the benefits of using Aromatherapy and essential oils in your every day life.

Next time, I'm going to share with you how to do a professional mini facial at home.

Weekend is here (yay!)!  Go out get some fresh air.  Maybe even pack a picnic and enjoy the sun in your local park while practicing physical distancing.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Let's glow,


Certified Esthetician | Registered Aromatherapist ® | Essential Oil Specialist ®